Saturday 31 October 2009

5. The Disaster

It was a pitiful sight, some of the children were calling for their mothers and fathers, while parents searched desperately for the children, both among the living and among those who were passing over, unable to distinguish between them, and unaware of what had happened to them. One man dived repeatedly under the water to try to find his infant son. He was so caught-up in this task that he didn’t seem to wonder or even notice that he could breathe underwater, or that he could pass through the side of the sinking ship with ease. People clung to one another, most in a state of shock, as they rose up out of their bodies. A few more advanced souls among them quickly realised the situation and started to help us.
When something like this happens there are many from our side who are on hand to help. Some have their own special task or skill, and are happy to teach relative newcomers like myself. I learnt how to build rescue stations for the many souls who come over in a state of complete disorientation. Others were engaged in the delicate task of gathering up the etheric bodies and gently disentangling them from the physical. There are gentle souls who have a special gift for talking to those who are crossing over, finding the right words and phrases to put each one at ease. If, as in this case, everything is in a state of confusion, with the living, dead and dying all mixed up together, it can be quite hard to persuade some souls to trust us and to leave the scene. We explained that we were part of the rescue party and that they should come with us to a place of safety. We promised them that we would look for their friends and relatives, and to reunite all those who had crossed over at the same time. We then took them into the higher ether, away from the immediate scene of the disaster. As many of those who drowned were used to a hot climate and desert conditions, we created an oasis with comfortable tents, not too luxurious as it was important that they had time to adjust gradually to their new situation, and we wanted them to believe that this was indeed a relief camp rather than a strange exotic dream from which they would presently awake. There were camp beds where they could rest, and soothing music. We gave them water and sweet tea, which not only calmed them but which also began to restore their energies. The next task is to persuade them to sleep.
There was one woman who insisted on going back to look for her mother. As she would not be dissuaded I accompanied her. We found her mother, quite uninjured, but very cold and wet, clinging to a small life raft. We could see the rescue vessels, and as dawn was already breaking she had every chance of being found alive. It was tricky to persuade the daughter to come away with me again. She clung to her mother and cried, and kept repeating that she was safe, and that they were going to be all right. Although the young woman sensed that something was amiss, as her mother was not responding, she hadn’t yet understood that she had crossed over and that her mother could neither see or hear her. Then she saw her body floating face down in the water near the life raft, and became even more agitated and confused. I do believe, however, that the older woman sensed her daughter’s presence. She seemed to relax a little, almost to smile. A little colour returned to her pallid face, a flicker of hope, and then a blush of pink in her cheeks reflected the first rays of sunlight, reaching out across the water towards the raft. You could see that she now dared to believe that she would survive, and that the rescuers would find her. I don’t think she saw the lifeless body in the water, so in that moment, with her daughter beside her, knew in her heart that her daughter was indeed alive.
I had to be quite firm, telling my charge that it was time to go, that she could visit her mother again, but that as she had had such a shock she must first rest. I think she began to understand that she had survived the death of her body, but didn’t at all know what to expect, and so was quite lost and afraid. When we returned to the camp a nurse gave her some golden-coloured nectar to drink which sent her quickly into a deep and peaceful sleep. Her guide was nearby, on-hand for when she woke up, so I felt happy to leave her then, and to get back to the task of reuniting loved ones with one another, and with comforting those who had come over alone.

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